Membership of the Board of Directors of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), Turkey (2023-present),
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) supports the professionals who plan the roads, drive the trucks, bring in the raw materials, and store the goods safely. We are the leading international voice for supply chain, logistics and transport.
We create the right programmes and set the right goals. We are seen as the leading professional body globally by those both within and outside our profession.
Our plans: We are creating a strong model for growth based on regional development. We are adding new country branches and identifying key markets for expansion

Membership of the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) Togo/Africa, Turkey (2021-present)
Upon its establishment in 1985, the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Türkiye (DEİK) was assigned with the following tasks: to organise and manage the foreign economic relations of the Turkish private sector, in particular with respect to foreign trade, international investments, services, contracting and logistics; to analyse investment opportunities at home and abroad; to help boost the country’s exports, and to coordinate similar business development activities.

Membership of the Board of Directors of the International Nuclear Law Association (INLA), Belgium (2016-present)
International Nuclear Law Association shall have as objectives the promotion and pursuit, on an international level, of studies and knowledge of legal issues related to the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy, with a focus on protecting persons, property and the environment; the exchange of information between members of the Association; and scientific co-operation with other organizations having similar objectives. For this purpose, the Association may, in particular: organize or promote meetings, congresses, debates, lectures, conferences and seminars, and produce or participate in the production of scientific publications.
The Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey (KAGIDER) is a non-governmental organization aimed at strengthening women entrepreneurs. Our goal is not to strengthen women only economically but also socially and politically. KAGIDER has made its mission to support women entrepreneurship because it believes that women entrepreneurs has a strong impact on reversing the trends of gender inequality and women’s economic exclusion. In addition, the goal is to bring attention to the societal contributions of women entrepreneurs in maintaining gender equality within society. In partnership with national and international public, private and civil organizations we have developed and continue to work on several projects and activities. KAGIDER, which membership includes 350+ members, is engaged in training, counselling and mentorship activities towards economically empowering and strengthening women entrepreneurs. KAGIDER advocates for equal opportunities for men and women where it is engaged in a number of activities directed towards this issue.